West Michigan
This well-established retail store and cigar lounge is a premier destination for cigar enthusiasts throughout Greater Grand Rapids and the surrounding regions, including returning customers from out of state and Canada. It also serves various West Michigan golf courses and retail outlets.
With over 30 years in business, the store is renowned for its exceptional customer service, catering to both seasoned aficionados and first-time visitors. Featuring the largest walk-in humidor in West Michigan, it offers an extensive selection of premium, hand-rolled cigars.
Additionally, the business provides a range of cigar accessories, pipe tobacco, and a spacious, comfortable lounge equipped with media capabilities for enjoying cigars with friends and colleagues.
Type: Main Street Business For Sale
Price: $400,000
Business For Sale ID: MSD-23115339-67
Year business was founded: 25+ years
Annual Revenue: 707,964
Annual Cashflow: 141,730
Inventory: $50,000-$100,000