
Frequently Asked Questions

Learn more about the Exit Promise Professional Members.
I'm already on LinkedIn. How is Exit Promise different?

LinkedIn is a social network designed for professionals like you to connect and engage with your peers. It also offers services for its members who are looking for new employees or work.

Exit Promise focuses on its business owner members who are serious about building a valuable business.  Our professional members are licensed and vetted by our staff, so we can ensure we’re introducing the best advisors to our business owner members.

Business owner members may access our articles authored by accredited investors, investment bankers, licensed business brokers, and other professional advisors.  Our professional members share their insights through articles and podcasts and may also engage with business owners by answering their questions via our Q&A forums.  So far, our professional members have responded to nearly 2,000 questions asked by business owners.

We understand how difficult it is to promote your professional services to business owners.  For this reason, we’ve got a dedicated marketing team that promotes our professional members to our business members via email and also on Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, and even LinkedIn.

We also help our investment bankers and business brokers find qualified buyers by showcasing their teasers and businesses for sale listings, respectively.

What sets Exit Promise apart is our deliberate choice to limit the number of accredited investors, investment bankers, business brokers, and other professional advisors in our professional membership. This means you won’t be lost in a crowd of your peers on Exit

Furthermore, Exit Promise gathers information and inquiries from business owners seeking personalized, one-on-one professional assistance with their businesses. When appropriate, we connect them with our professional members and provide valuable leads and personal introductions.

How do I answer questions asked on Exit Promise?

It’s very easy. As a professional member of Exit Promise, you will have access to log in to the website with your Username and Password. Once you’ve done so, you may simply click “Reply,” where you see a question you’d like to answer and begin to type.

May I answer any question asked?

Yes, you may answer any question asked on the site — even if it’s on an article you did not author.  We love to see multiple professional members answering questions — and so do our site visitors and business owner members!

How will I know if there is a new question I'd like to answer?

At the end of every day, our professional members receive an email from Exit Promise that captures the questions asked by business owners on the site.  There will be a link for you to click that will take you directly to the question.  Just click, login, and then answer the question.

I'd like Exit Promise visitors to be able to set up a meeting with me directly from my profile. Is this possible?

Yes, your professional profile will include a link to your calendar to schedule a phone call or Zoom meeting with you. Of course, this is optional. If you don’t want to sync your calendar, business owners can email you, visit your website, or dial the number you’d like. It’s up to you how business owners may reach you.

How could I receive leads and personal introductions from Exit Promise?

Business owners and buyers who are visiting Exit Promise have multiple opportunities to reach out for professional help.  When they do so, their lead and important information including their name, email and phone number is captured. This information is reviewed and delivered to you by one of the Exit Promise’s Concierges.

In most cases, the business owner or buyer is contacted by Exit Promise to verify their request and need for assistance.  Then we notify the appropriate professional members by email or phone call.

What type of posts may I add to Exit Promise?

Our professional members may send us their own original posts, podcasts, or videos. They may not be duplicated on another website—even your own website—because doing so is not good for Search Engine Optimization.

If I choose to write articles, how will they be promoted?

Exit Promise has a publishing and digital marketing team that assists your authored articles by:

  • Editing its content for grammar, spelling, and overall readability — this keeps our visitors happy;
  • Optimizing the title and keywords for SEO purposes — this attracts business owners and buyers seeking your professional services;
  • Adding the article to our website with a custom image;
  • Promoting your article to our business owner members via email and
  • Promoting your article on our Social Media sites — Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, and LinkedIn.
I'm not really very good at website stuff. Is this a DIY project?

Absolutely not.  When you become a professional member of Exit Promise, you will be assigned a Concierge to build your professional member profile for you.  Once it’s built, you have the final approval before publishing it.  We’ll take care of it if you need to add or delete something, such as a client testimonial or new credential.

If you are a Featured Investment Banker or Business Broker, your Concierge will add and edit your teasers and businesses for sale listings, respectively.

All Exit Promise articles, podcasts, and images are added to the site by our publishing team.  You don’t have to know how to do anything related to updating the website or your professional profile.

If you don’t want to author articles and prefer to answer questions, that’s okay. We have many professional members who are just happy to receive leads and introductions or have their professional member profiles included on the site. It’s totally up to you how much—or little—you’d like to participate.


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