
Business Owner Q&A
Free Small Business Help Q&A

Free Business Q&A

We know sometimes business owners simply have a quick question or would like to run an idea by an investor or advisor.  We also understand it can be difficult to access investors and professional advisors  without expending great effort and expense.

For this reason, Exit Promise makes it a priority to answer your questions.  Our professional members monitor the questions asked by our business members and standby to answer.

So far, we have answered more than 3,000 questions and we don’t plan to slow down any time soon.

If your situation is one that you should hire a business advisor to give you specific legal or tax advice, we will let you know.  Alternatively, if we can answer your quick question, help you understand a concept better or direct you to another post or website, we are here to help you.

Submit your question on the bottom of any article and we will let you know when you have an answer!

Q&A Exit Promise

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One of our investors or advisors will answer.

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