
Featured Advisors Getting Started

Where do I log in?  

The log-in button for our members is located at the bottom of every site page and on the top menu.

Exit Promise Login




Do I need to log in before I answer a question?

If you’d like your photo, professional member profile, and a link to your website to be visible to business owners next to your reply, it’s best to log in before you answer questions.

Why isn’t my photo showing up when I answer a question on the site?

The Q&A photos are pulled from, a website widely used on WordPress websites (ExitPromise is built on this platform). If you’d like your photo to appear next to your answers on the site, you will need to set it up on It only takes a couple of minutes to do so.

If you don’t have a Gravatar yet, here’s where you may learn more about Gravatars and how to get yours:  Gravatar

May I answer a question even if another professional member has already done so?

Yes, indeed, you may, and we encourage you to do so if you have something to add or even a contrary thought for the business owner to consider.

I answered a question but could not find it on the site.  Where did it go?

All questions and answers are monitored to ensure quality content. Is it more work for us? You bet it is. We feel strongly that this additional step is worthwhile!

The answer should appear on the site within 24 hours of your posting.

I need more information from the business owner to answer the question.  What do I do?

Don’t be afraid to ask for more details or to say, “I don’t understand what you are asking me.  Please clarify…”  Some business owners will do so, and some don’t know how to ask their question.

When a business owner asks for advice regarding what they should do, especially when very little information is provided, and many factors must be considered, what do I do?

Be honest and let them know in a respectful tone that it’s not possible to answer their question.  Remember that your role is to educate the business owners about matters they’ve raised questions about. Advising them on how to resolve their problem is beyond the purpose of our Q&A platform.

If you can teach them something about their situation, they will be better for it. And if you’ve done a great job offering your knowledge to the site’s visitors, it is much more likely that business owners will regard you as a true expert.

Our Q&A monitors will step in, as appropriate, to recommend when submitting a request for an advisor is warranted.  If we don’t, email us, and we’ll take another look at the question posted on the site.

Why do the business owners ask the same or similar questions?

Many business owners do this simply because they want to take a shortcut. It’s human nature. That said, when you patiently answer the same questions repeatedly, a few business owners notice. Being nice and helpful works.

How would a business owner contact me to speak to me directly?

At the bottom of your professional member profile, there is a place where a business owner may send you an email directly.  The business owner will not have access to your email address.  This is intentional to prevent spammers from scraping the platform for email addresses.  Instead, delivers the email to you on their behalf.

Of course, your website, physical address, and phone numbers are posted in your professional profile, so business owners may also choose to reach you directly.

Last but not least, business owners may submit their specific requests for assistance, and we deliver these leads for your services to you by email and old-fashioned telephone.

I want to write posts for Exit  How do I do that?

We’d be happy to send instructions for you to get started.  Please email Pa************@Ex*********.com and let us know about your interest in writing articles.  We’ll be pleased to help you get started!


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