Digital Marketing Agency – 27 Year History with Recurring Revenues

Phoenix USA

Learn About This Business For Sale:

This presents an exceptional opportunity for an experienced website designer, developer, or SEO professional who aims to establish and manage their own agency, or for an existing digital marketing agency looking to rapidly expand its operations and client base. The company in question is a well-established, highly reputable digital marketing agency dedicated to serving the needs of small and medium-sized businesses. In 2022, they boasted a client base of over 150, with 135 of these clients engaged in recurring contractual agreements for SEO and hosting services. This agency provides a wide array of digital marketing services, including custom website design, website development, website and email hosting, SEO services, and Google Ads management.

In terms of revenue, recurring contractual services accounted for approximately 70% and 83% of total revenues in 2022 and up to May 31, 2023, respectively. The company’s client base encompasses small and medium-sized businesses from various industries, typically with employee counts ranging from a few to 100. While the agency has a significant presence in the rapidly expanding Arizona market, they also serve clients in other states and are equipped to assist clients from any location. While the agency serves a diverse range of industries, they have notably excelled in providing services to clients in the legal services and building trades sectors.

Client satisfaction is a key strength of the agency, resulting in long-term, ongoing relationships. On average, the agency’s current clients have been with them for an impressive 7.6 years, with one client remaining a loyal partner for an astounding 27 years. The agency utilizes ColdFusion/Lucee in its website development process, considering these platforms to offer substantial advantages. Additionally, the agency has developed and employs a proprietary Content Management System (CMS) that enhances the usability of their websites for clients. They rely on Semrush for reporting SEO results and employ an online tool to optimize content for SEO ranking on behalf of their clients.

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Type: Main Street Business For Sale

Price: $299,000

Business For Sale ID: PHOENAZ002-53482

Year business was founded: 1996

Home Based Business?: Yes

Includes Real Estate?: No

Relocatable?: Yes

Annual Revenue: $438,400

Annual Cashflow: $95,700


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Tim Whipple



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