Law Leaders® - Nationally Recognized Brand for Attorney Marketing

Phoenix USA

Learn About This Business For Sale:

Are you looking to:

Stand out in your industry?
Expand your sources of income?
Grow your business to a national or even multi-state level?
Generate high-quality leads, clients, and cases in a unique way?
If so, Law Leaders® is the solution for you. We are an exclusive legal community and a nationally recognized brand that helps people easily find and access top-tier legal services by connecting them with the best lawyers in America. Our mission is to provide a range of services and revenue opportunities to our 102,000+ members, consisting of some of the nation’s top attorneys and industry expert witnesses.

Our current offerings include:

Free and paid attorney profiles in our exclusive members directory (Note: Only the initial batch of Arizona members is currently published on our website)
Featured paid attorney profile placements
Attorney contact leads
Member awards and plaques
Free and paid expert witness listings in our exclusive expert witness directory
In addition to our core services, Law Leaders® also holds several unique intellectual properties that will be included in the sale of our business:

1-800-Law-Leaders toll-free phone number URL and website (including all content and SEO)
Membership list containing contact information for our 102,000+ members
Proprietary contact lead call routing and reporting system
Patented and/or copyrighted assets, including our logo and taglines such as Law Leaders® and America’s Serious Injury Lawyers®
Pre-designed outdoor standard billboard and poster designs
Professionally produced and editable TV/video commercials, including over 100 minutes of additional unedited footage for creating more ads (filmed in Hollywood and at the SDSU Trauma Center)
The ideal buyer for Law Leaders® is any law firm or legal marketing organization seeking to acquire a unique, powerful, and distinguished national legal marketing brand. Owning Law Leaders® would enable these organizations to enhance their branding, leverage our tools, access our community, and tap into diverse revenue streams within their existing operations and business development strategies. Furthermore, our established and operational systems could yield immediate results for a new owner, eliminating the need for further delays or development. This opportunity could also appeal to outside investors seeking a national and scalable business model in the legal market space.

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Type: Main Street Business For Sale

Price: $1,000,000

Business For Sale ID: PHOENAZ002-53003

Year business was founded: 2018

Home Based Business?: No

Includes Real Estate?: No

Relocatable?: No

Annual Revenue: N/A

Annual Cashflow: N/A


Learn More -- Let's Talk!


Tim Whipple



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