Laurie Barkman
CM&AA Stonyhill Advisors, LLCAbout
I guide business owners how to capture more value and transition your company with success.
Think of me as a business transition sherpa– working with you to maximize the value of your company, and guide you through the complex process of letting it go.
My specialty is working with established private companies in the lower middle market with annual revenues from $1 million to $50 million.
When measurable, tangible growth, and value become the hallmark of your business, you’re rewarded with more freedom and time to do what you love outside of your business.
My extensive experience as an executive allows me to understand all aspects of your company and provide the best guidance for a successful exit and business transition.
I provide exit and succession planning services to help owners increase the value of your business with my firm, SmallDotBig. And as a Certified Mergers and Acquisitions Advisor (CM&AA) with Stony Hill, I’ll guide you through the complex process of selling and buying companies.
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