Selling a Business
Ready to Sell your Business

If you want to know when to sell your business, you should first consider if you are truly ready to sell your business.

For many business owners, it’s tough to know the answer to this critical question.  Knowing if you are truly ready to sell will improve your chances of a successful sale.

Taking the exit-ready assessment helped me tremendously because I didn’t know some of the big barriers I’d face selling my business.
The score and report I received were invaluable. Thank you!
Jack L.

President, Manufacturing Co.


Our 24-Question Exit-Ready Assessment tells you:


1.  The risks in your business which may negatively affect your ability to sell

2.  The steps to take before going on the market to avoid discovering problems during the buyer’s due diligence phase of the business sale

3.  Ways to increase the value of your business


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