Commercial Electrical Contractor - West MI

Learn About This Business For Sale:

A well-established and respected commercial electrical contractor in West Michigan is now available. With over 30 years of experience, this company has served the expanding commercial and new construction needs along the lakeshore. Centrally located, with talented, seasoned employees and modern, well-maintained equipment, they have a long history of professionalism in the field, making this a robust opportunity.

This is the perfect opportunity to expand your business in the West Michigan market. The lakeshore has been underdeveloped for years, and recent trends indicate continued forecasted growth in both commercial and residential sectors. Representing such an opportunity in the market is a pleasure, and I’m confident you will be impressed as well.

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Type: Building & Construction For Sale

Price: $500,000

Year business was founded: 1985

Home Based Business?: No

Includes Real Estate?: No

Annual Revenue: 1602052

Annual Cashflow: 182482

Furniture, Fixtures & Equipment: 70000

Inventory: 20000


Learn More -- Let's Talk!


Brad Scoffin, MBA, CMA and CM&AA



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