Commercial Millwork Business

Houston USA

Learn About This Business For Sale:

Available for purchase is an esteemed and well-established commercial millwork enterprise, proudly contributing over three decades of excellence to the industry. Renowned for its commitment to quality craftsmanship and unwavering customer service, this business stands out with a formidable backlog ranging from $2.5 million to $3 million and a devoted customer base rooted in enduring relationships.

Key Highlights:

  • A dynamic and proficient team spearheaded by a seasoned General Manager, adept Project Manager, skilled Shop Foreman, and a dedicated Field Superintendent.
  • Solidified long-term client partnerships forged on the pillars of trust and consistently superior quality.
  • A rich tapestry of over 30 years in industry expertise, resulting in an impeccable reputation.
  • Lucrative growth opportunities await an enterprising new owner ready to harness the business’s potential to the fullest.
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Type: Building & Construction For Sale

Price: $

Business For Sale ID: 2318

Year business was founded: 1990

Leased Property?: Yes, Monthly rent $30,729; 25,000 sq ft

Annual Revenue: $6,047,094

Annual Cashflow: $1,399,591

Furniture, Fixtures & Equipment: $637,467, Included

Inventory: $50,000, Included


Learn More -- Let's Talk!


Jason Ward



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