Motorcycle Dealership & Repair Shop – West Michigan

West Michigan

Learn About This Business For Sale:

This motorcycle dealership and repair shop is an excellent opportunity for a bike enthusiast looking to transform their passion into a career. The business features a diverse showroom, offering E-bikes, scooters, motorcycles, and more.

There are significant opportunities for expansion or streamlining services to serve the local market better. Additionally, the showroom and repair shop are housed within a pole building, which is also available for sale.

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Type: Automotive For Sale

Price: $100,000

Business For Sale ID: MSG-24035343-66

Year business was founded: 1991

Annual Revenue: 368,719

Annual Cashflow: 85,150

Inventory: $78,500 (Included)


Learn More -- Let's Talk!


Brad Scoffin, MBA, CMA, CMA&A



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