Employees Ownership Incentives — Implications When You Sell

Employees Ownership Incentives — Implications When You Sell

Many entrepreneurs faced with the demands on cash of a growing business are tempted to sell equity to outside investors, or perhaps give away stock to retain a valuable employee. Diluting your stake in this way may solve the immediate problem, but it can have unforeseen consequences when the business eventually is sold. Stockholders’ personal circumstances evolve in different ways over the lifetime of a company, and whatever the original intention everyone may not be on the same page when you are ready to sell.

Surviving Due Diligence & Contract Negotiation

Surviving Due Diligence & Contract Negotiation

You have endured multiple meetings with potential buyers. You’ve written dozens of emails and suffered through several rounds of negotiations to secure the best price and deal structure. At last you have decided on the offer to accept. That’s the worst of it over then? Think again – you have yet to experience the joys of due diligence and sale contract negotiation.

Going After the Next Opportunity

It’s the late 1980’s and Bill Hinchey just saw his young company, Solar Care Technologies, featured in a complimentary Wall Street Journal piece. Hinchey, along with two other guys he met while working for consumer products giant Proctor and Gamble, had recently set up shop in a business incubator in Pennsylvania’s Lehigh Valley to develop a sunscreen towelette.

What is my Business Worth Calculator

Most entrepreneurs build a business with a view to an eventual profitable exit. Most probably have lifestyle aspirations in mind that imply a certain amount of money to be realized from a sale. Whether they are looking at an exit now – or a decade from now – they need more than the subjective opinion of friends and acquaintances as to how much their business is worth.

Have You Considered a Management Buyout?

Have You Considered a Management Buyout?

Management Buyouts, or MBOS, can sometimes have a negative connotation. Maybe that’s because it sounds like the management team is getting “taken out”. On the contrary, it is the exact opposite. A Management Buyout is a fancy acronym for when the current managers buy controlling interest of a company from its owners. That’s a good thing for management!


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