What is a Seller Note?

What is a Seller Note?

 Have a Question?  Ask your Question below! One of our investors or advisors will answer. A seller’s note receivable is an alternative form of business capital.   This type of debt financing is often used in small business acquisitions, where the seller agrees to...
Subordinated Debt

Subordinated Debt

Subordinated debt (sometimes also referred to as a subordinated loan, junior debt, subordinated bond, or subordinated debenture) is a debt that ranks below other, regular debt on a company’s balance sheet. In the event the company faces bankruptcy or liquidation,...
Asset-Based Lending

Asset-Based Lending

An asset-based loan (also sometimes called “asset-based financing” or “commercial finance”) is a type of business financing secured by an asset (or multiple assets) of the company. Often, these loans are structured to function like revolving lines of credit, allowing...
Mezzanine Debt Definition

Mezzanine Debt Definition

In its purest form, Mezzanine Debt is a business debt instrument that carries along with it certain rights to convert debt into equity (stock, common shares, partnership interests, LLC membership units, etc.). Mezzanine debt financing is not a pure debt or a pure equity instrument. It is something in the middle. In fact, the word ‘mezzanine’ is derived from the Italian word ‘mezzano’, meaning middle, and is used to describe how this particular form of business capital combines elements of both debt and equity financing into one instrument.

How to Calculate Debt Service Coverage Ratio [Tool]

How to Calculate Debt Service Coverage Ratio [Tool]

Debt Service Coverage Ratio compliance often is required or necessitated by covenants in a bank loan agreement. A bank loan covenant regarding the debt service coverage ratio will specify the amount of income a business and/or its guarantor must generate relative to the debt principal and interest payments on an annual basis to remain in compliance with the covenant. The business owner, or his or her CFO or Controller, should monitor this ratio carefully on a monthly basis so the covenant is not unintentionally broken.

What is a Debt Service Coverage Ratio?

What is a Debt Service Coverage Ratio?

The debt service coverage ratio is a measurement used by lenders to determine if a business is able to meet its debt servicing obligations through its operating income during a given period of time. In most cases, a lender wants the operating income to exceed the debt servicing costs by some measure. This ratio defines the extent to which a business’s operating income (or other defined measure of cash flow) exceeds the cost to service its bank loans.

Kauffman Foundation Venture Capital Report: Will VC Be Your Super Hero?

I continue to be surprised as I meet with entrepreneurs who truly regard Venture Capital as their Holy Grail. It’s as though they are looking for a Super Hero to make their dreams of entrepreneurial success come true. But having spent more than a few sessions on the entrepreneur’s side of the table in negotiations with venture capital firms, I know better. And it seems there are others who share my opinion!

Bank Alternatives: Sourcing Business Capital When a Company is Not Bankable

Bank Alternatives: Sourcing Business Capital When a Company is Not Bankable

Often entrepreneurs find themselves in a situation where their commercial bank considers their existing line of credit too risky to extend or renew. This places the entrepreneur and their banker at odds, and many times pushes the business owner to take drastic steps to keep their company’s doors open and paychecks coming. Has this happened to you or one of your fellow entrepreneurs?


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