Business Goodwill

Business Goodwill

Business goodwill is defined as an intangible asset that increases a business’s value above and beyond its current market value. Business goodwill arises when one company is acquired by another at a premium, above market or book value price. Goodwill can be attributed...
Deal Structure

Deal Structure

v Have a Question? Add it to the bottom of this post! In any business acquisition, a deal structure must be formed to specify the financial terms, conditions, and process for successfully completing the transaction. The deal structure outlines a set of terms that...
Amortization of Goodwill

Amortization of Goodwill

Goodwill is defined as an intangible asset that is created as the result of an acquisition of one company by another, at a premium price over its fair market value. The willingness of a buyer to pay a premium for a given business may be due to value built up over time...
Data Room

Data Room

A Data room may be a physical room or a virtual room and are used for a number of reasons – including data storage, document exchanges, financial transactions, file sharing, and legal transactions. Often, data rooms are used for the sale of a business or when raising...
Buy-Side and Sell-Side

Buy-Side and Sell-Side

The investment banking market is made up of two sides – the buy-side, and the sell-side, both of which are responsible for researching and assessing stocks and other investments. The buy-side refers to advising institutions concerned with buying investment services....
Sandbagging Definition

Sandbagging Definition

 Have a Question? Ask your question below and one of our Advisors will answer. The term sandbagging refers to an intentional lowering of expectations. Sandbagging can apply to anything from sports to business, and is the practice of intentionally deceiving others in...
3 Steps To Increase Your Business Selling Price

3 Steps To Increase Your Business Selling Price

When a business owner begins to negotiate the sale of his or her business with buyers for the first time, he or she will inevitably face a difference between the buyer’s offer price and the desired selling price. It’s at this point when a lively debate between the parties will occur over the underlying reasons for the business’s asking price being what it is. At this time a seller will be well-served if able to offer justification for an increased business valuation and a higher business selling price.

What Does it Take to Exit Your Business – Is it Good Luck?

What Does it Take to Exit Your Business – Is it Good Luck?

Perhaps you are one of those business owners who feels you have plenty of time to think about exiting your business. You consider yourself lucky, and whenever you feel it’s time to leave, you will be able to do so with ease.

Why it may not be so – This is not one of those articles about how long it takes to leave a business, or how hard and expensive it can be. Instead it’s about the false impression many business owners have of life after the business – all wine and roses (PS it’s not).

Escrow Agent in the Sale of a Business

Escrow Agent in the Sale of a Business

When a business is about to be sold, the parties to the sale may find it beneficial to establish an escrow agent to handle the transfer of certain assets and cash between the buyer and seller. Many times the parties agree to use the escrow account held by one of the party’s business attorneys. However, in many cases the parties prefer to hire an independent escrow agent to handle the assets and cash that will change hands.

Important Agreements When You Sell Your Business

Important Agreements When You Sell Your Business

When working through a business sale, an inordinate number of resources on both sides of the table are dedicated to drafting and negotiating the Stock Purchase or Asset Purchase Agreement. This is true especially in the last one-to-two weeks before the closing. In fact, I’ve had clients remark that during their entire tenure as an entrepreneur, they never spent as much time speaking to their advisors as they did during the last week of their business ownership journey!

Non-Solicitation Agreement

Selling A Business: Asset Acquisition vs. Stock Acquisition

So you’ve decided to sell your business, but what structure is right for the transaction? Buyers and sellers often prefer different structures due to various factors which change based on the structure and which have different impacts on the parties. Generally there are three (3) categories of factors that drive the eventual structure of a deal: (1) business issues, (2) assignments and consents, and (3) tax issues.

To Sell or Not to Sell Your Business

To Sell or Not to Sell Your Business

To sell or not to sell, that is the question many business owners ask themselves at least once during their tenure as business owners. Sometimes, the decision to sell is easy if the owner is ready to retire or has decided to pursue a new career or business opportunity. However, in many cases, business owners struggle with this critical decision. Fortunately there are several steps you can take to make an informed and stress-free decision on whether to sell your business now, later, or not at all. In all cases seek the advice of several third party professionals such as a Business Attorney, Certified Public Accountant (CPA), Business Appraiser and/or Broker, and a Financial Advisor as well as consultants in your industry.

Getting Fired by a Customer | Customer Service Policies

Getting Fired by a Customer | Customer Service Policies

Today I fired LinkedIn. This might not jibe with the title you were expecting. To be technically accurate, I “merely” cancelled my “Premium” LinkedIn account and downgraded to a free “Basic” account. But I just stopped a recurring payment to LinkedIn, possibly forever. I consider a non-paying “member” not a customer, but maybe that’s semantics.


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